Thursday, December 9, 2010

A glimpse into the possibility of the dinar revalue and the impending US economic collapse. "Where we are as of 12/08/10"

A startling read confirming many of the recent reports of an impending economic collapse of the US dollar as many forth-looking investors prepare to profit heartily by the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar.

* Enorrste Post: G.E.T. 12/08/10 (Where we are as of 12/08/10)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Circle of 13: The suppression of free energy

Circle of 13: The suppression of free energy

Very well done article brushing over the free energy topic. Although, the technology is reemerging with an even deeper understanding. The suppressed designs ( aside from possible extraterrestrial devices ) have the limitation of being built with human imperfection. Technologies developed with consideration of "quiet" physics like that of Marco Rodin, whose research may not ever be fully realized, will burst with energy to the extent that we will have to learn to utilize or harmlessly release it. The little guy will have a chance.

Energy must be free if we are going to get over ourselves and stop bickering ( globally ). Though, as a Christian, I don't believe this will end well, unless you have something to look forward to after death.

Monday, July 5, 2010 - Sterling Allan - The Top Ten Exotic Free Energy Technologies

A great resource if you are interested in learning more...
2010: Top 10 Exotic Free Energy Technologies for Earth Transformation

Zero-point energy - Links

Zero-Point Energy (on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The Classical Vacuum [Zero-Point Energy] ( From Scientific American Magazine, Aug. 1985, pp 70-78. )

What is the 'zero-point energy' (or 'vacuum energy') in quantum physics? Is it really possible that we could harness this energy? ( Written in response to an "ask the experts" query from a reader of the Scientific American. )

The zero point field Many inventors are on the hunt for zero point energy since Michael Faraday and Nikola Tesla discovered it. Free energy!

Over-Unity devices

John Roy Robert Searl Effect Generator ( S.E.G )

The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman

Troy Reed Magnet Motor

Pure Energy Systems Wiki: Magnet Motors

Paul Pantone - The GEET (Global Environmental Energy Technology), is a dynamic fuel-exhaust recycling device that can be fitted to an engine, between the air intake and the exhaust.