Wednesday, December 21, 2011

INFINITE REALMS: The Unified Field

Eagerly awaiting updates as the financial goal has been met!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

1Stop Energies

This is a great website with regular updates, displaying evidence that the 'impossible' is absolutely possible. A great website for zero point energy enthusiasts and anyone interested in the alternatives to the status quo.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Mainstream *FINALLY* Break 9 Months Of Silence (repost)

eCat Test: Mainstream *FINALLY* Break 9 Months Of Silence Isn't it about time that they stop ignoring the truth about COLD FUSION? It's here and you'll be able to use it to eliminate your power bill soon. Don't fall for the schemes to deprive you of modern 21st century innovations. They only want to sell you every last drop of oil before the money tree dies. Aren't they rich enough? Tell everyone you know, we don't need mainstream media to spread the news. We are not fools. You are nobody fool. Peace sells, and we are buying!!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Directory:Searl Effect Generator (SEG) - PESWiki

Pure Energy Systems Wiki : Searl Effect Generator (SEG) Directory provides as much information as is available anywhere in one location.

Directory:Searl Effect Generator (SEG) - PESWiki

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The open-source hydrogen car set to change the industry - The Ecologist

News analysis - The open-source hydrogen car set to change the industry - The Ecologist It's far from Zero-Point Energy but it's a slap in the faces of those that have tried to stop it! I'm glad to see true Open Source business models put into practice. Hurray!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My YouTube Channel

My YouTube Channel

Many Free/Zero-point energy related videos, which seems to be one of the quickest ways to currently convey information on the subject and issues surrounding the reality of free energy suppression.

The above link is directly to a list of "Energy from the vacuum" video series, while my main page opens up to all of the related topics.